The new blog....

The new blog....

Posted by Southwest Disk on 13th Sep 2022


We are gonna give this a try and see how it pans out.  Hopefully, everyone can get some info here that they find useful.  We get a lot of questions so maybe we can address some here as well as provide some insight on how we cook and use the Disco.  We will also post some tips, tricks and hacks we have learned along the way....  The first one we will post is about a DIY windscreen for the portable height burner from eastman...  look for it next week.   We are going to try and get these going weekly...

Also - a big shout out to ZAK H as we will be using his photographic genius for all our blog thumbnails.  He is currently active duty US ARMY and always sends us pictures from his travels around the world as he can.  This one is a nice b/w from Alaska.  So, look forward to these awesome pics accompanying our posts.  Thank you Zak & Laura!